As a full-service Lightning Protection System company, Dominion Lightning Rod Co. brings our broad experience to each element of a project.

Design of LPS Systems
Based on our experience and qualifications we offer a comprehensive design service where we can provide:
- Preparation of Plans, Specifications, Details, Material Selection.
- Risk assessments per methods outlined in Codes and Standards
- Zone of Protection Analysis
- Review of LPS designs by others
- Budget estimates
Dominion Lightning Rod has extensive experience in designing Lightning Protection Systems to meet the requirements of recognized codes and standards:
- Canadian Standards Association CSA B72
- National Fire Prevention Association NFPA 780
- Underwriters Laboratories UL96A
- Lightning Protection Institute LPI
Our familiarity with these codes and standards is based on the following:
- Long standing members of the CSA B72 Technical Committee (over 50 years)
- UL96A Master Label certified to NFPA780 and /UL96A
- Material supplied/manufactured listed and labelled under UL96
- Members of the UL Standard 96A and UL96 Technical Committees
We have provided Lightning Protection System designs for a wide range of projects including:
- Industrial applications including power plants, asphalt plants, mines and mineral processing, cement plants, food processing plants, water/wastewater treatment plants, industrial chimneys, etc.
- Commercial applications including airports, data centers, warehouses, office buildings, truck weigh stations, museums, university buildings, hospitals, town halls, courthouses, etc.
- Water and wastewater treatment facilities including processing plants, digesters, pumphouses, reservoirs and associated buildings
- Class V (Hazardous) applications including gas plants and ammunition storage sites, petrochemical and fuel storage tanks
- Recreational facilities including multi-use community centers, arenas, swimming complexes, golf course clubhouses and rain shelters, etc.
- Religious facilities including churches and temples
- Telecommunication facilities including the CN Tower, cellular communication antennas, etc.
- Agricultural buildings including barns, stables, silos, etc.
- Residential buildings including high rise condominiums, university residences, retirement homes, apartment buildings, and single family homes
- Design of LPS Systems
- Risk Assessment
- Design-Build
- Commercial / Industrial Installation
- Residential / Agricultural / Cottage Installation
- Telecommunications Installation
- Maintenance, Modification, Upgrades & Repairs
- Inspection / Testing / Certification
- LPS Re-establishment for Re-Roofing
- Supply and Manufacture
- Grounding and Bonding
- Exothermic Welding (Cadwelding)
- Codes and Standards
- Education