As a full-service Lightning Protection System company, Dominion Lightning Rod Co. brings our broad experience to each element of a project.

Codes and Standards
Codes and Standards Governing Lightning Protection Systems in North America:
CSA B72:20 Canadian Standards Association “Installation Code for Lightning Protection Systems”
This is the standard that applies to LPS installations in Canada. The current version, B72:20 was officially enacted in April 2020 after 3 years of development work by the Technical Committee. It had not been updated for over 30 years and has many changes and updates from the previous version, B72-M87. This is a National Standard as governed by the Standards Council of Canada with specific rules and regulations for code development. It is consensus-based and endorsed by all members of the technical committee comprised of 4 main groups including :
- Manufactures and Installation Contractors
- Regulators
- Users
- General Interest
The code is reviewed and updated at 5-year intervals. CSA provides opportunities to request clarification and interpretation of this standard. It is referenced by many other Canadian Codes including the National Building Code, National Defence, electrical codes, and many Provincial codes governing LPS. This document may be purchased directly from CSA (see Resources Page – Links to order). Dominion Lightning Rod is represented on the Technical Committee currently as Vice Chairman and previously as Chairman.
NFPA 780 2020 National Fire Prevention Association “Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems”
This is the standard that applies in the United States of America and is similar to the CSA B72, in that it is governed by a standards council and has a technical committee. This is considered to be the most extensive standard for LPS in North America and covers many specific applications. It is updated on a 3-year cycle. Most other US-based codes source most of the technical content from this code. It is a highly technical document.
UL96 ANSI/CAN/UL Underwriters Laboratories Lightning Protection Components
This standard defines the quality of the materials and components that are approved for use in LPS installations. This standard is approved for use by ANSI and the Standards Council of Canada. Manufacturers must apply for approval of products, and once approved, there are factory inspections four times a year for quality control. Approved components are listed and labelled for that purpose. All other LPS codes in North America including CSA B72:20 recognize this standard for materials and components. Dominion Lightning Rod is represented on this Standards Technical Committee and all manufactured materials are listed and labelled.
UL96A Underwriters Laboratory “Installation Requirements for Lightning Protection Systems”
Using the NFPA 780 as the basis for technical content, this standard accepts input from the members at any time via a Collaborative Standards Development System ( CSDS ) where technical issues may be addressed based on feedback from members. This standard’s focus is to provide an interpretation of the NFPA 780 for installers, inspectors and regulators. LPS companies and individual installers of LPS systems are required to take a training course and pass an exam to be qualified to install LPS system under this standard. Systems may be inspected and once approved, may achieve a MASTER LABEL C certification. Systems must be inspected every 3 years to maintain this certification. Dominion Lightning Rod is a listed trained contractor and is also represented on the Standards Technical Panel (STP).
LPI Lightning Protection Institute
This is a private US based non-profit industry group. Its primary goals are to educate and promote technical and application information with its members for the betterment of the industry. Members include LPS manufacturers, installation contractors, designers, architects and engineers. It publishes a technical standard (LPI 175 “Standard Of Practice For The Design-Installation-Inspection Of Lightning Protection Systems”) that is based on NFPA 780 for technical content, with a unique focus on practical installation issues. It provides an overview of the elements of a LPS with background and interpretation.
LPI publishes an inspection standard (LPS-177 “Inspection Guide for Certified Systems”) and offers third-party inspection under the (LPI-IP) inspection program. The inspection program includes 3 inspection certification levels include:
- a Master Installation Certificate for complete structures
- a Reconditioned Certificate for structures with existing systems that have been modified or upgraded
- limited scope inspection for LPS on specific equipment or areas.
LPI provides detailed examinations for competency for installers of LPS with levels for :
- Journeyman installer (JI),
- Master Installer (MI)
- Master Installer Designer (MID)
- Each one is requisite of passing the other. To achieve these designations, a pass required 80% or greater.
- It also holds a yearly 3-4 day conference, for members to attend, take exams, share information and discuss new applications for LPS.
Dominion Lightning Rod Co is a affiliate member of LPI and our President has a MID designation
- Design of LPS Systems
- Risk Assessment
- Design-Build
- Commercial / Industrial Installation
- Residential / Agricultural / Cottage Installation
- Telecommunications Installation
- Maintenance, Modification, Upgrades & Repairs
- Inspection / Testing / Certification
- LPS Re-establishment for Re-Roofing
- Supply and Manufacture
- Grounding and Bonding
- Exothermic Welding (Cadwelding)
- Codes and Standards
- Education